People most likely switch to vaping as a means of changing the way in which they consume nicotine, saving money or both. If those of us at Smoking Things had to guess, though, the reason why most people continue vaping is because the e-liquids that we use can produce a jaw-dropping variety of incredible flavors. If you’ve been vaping for a while, it’s likely that the flavor – not the nicotine – is the thing that keeps you coming back. You probably rotate between a few favorite e-liquids. You might also experiment occasionally with new flavors. Have you spent much time, though, considering the effect that your vaping equipment has on your flavor experience? You may try a new mod or tank periodically in the pursuit of bigger vapor clouds, but more vapor doesn’t always equate to better flavor.
When you consider the most important qualities of your ideal vaping experience, is everything else secondary to the flavor? Trying a new e-liquid can certainly impact flavor. If you want to truly want to experience the finer nuances of the e-liquids you already love, though, you need to think about your vaping setup. We’re going to explain why changing your vaping tank can have a profound effect on your flavor experience.
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The Problem With Cloud Chasing Tanks
Today’s cloud chasing tanks have some pretty major differences from the sub-ohm tanks of old. By cramming as many heating wires as possible into the atomizer coil head, outfitting the tank with a wide drip tip and allowing a copious amount of air to pass through, a vaping product manufacturer can create a sub-ohm tank that rivals the vapor production of an RDA.
There’s just one problem with chasing clouds: Cloud production and richness of flavor are often mutually exclusive. When you use a tank designed for maximum cloud production, a lot of what you’re inhaling is plain, flavorless air. Chucking those huge clouds might be fun, but you’re using a boatload of e-liquid – and diluting the flavor of that e-liquid – in the process.
No, we’re not calling for a return to single-coil tanks, higher nicotine and lower wattage settings – but there’s a reason why people speak fondly about tanks such as the Genisis and the Nautilus when they talk about the golden age of flavor chasing. Thinking about the design principles of those classic tanks can shed some light on what we can do to improve the flavor experience with the tanks of today.
How to Identify a Flavor Chasing Coil
A coil with 12 heating wires is great for generating enormous clouds. The more heating wires a coil has, though, the harder your vaping device has to work to heat all that metal up. Since a high-mass coil gets very hot – and stays hot long after you release the button – the coil must allow plenty of air through to manage the heat. A coil that’s ideal for flavor chasing, therefore, is one with maximum surface area and minimum mass. Such a coil design can maximize vapor production while minimizing its operating temperature. That’s ideal because you’ll need to lower your wattage settings a bit if you want to experience the best flavor when vaping. Try a coil with less heating wires. Mesh coils are also excellent for flavor chasing.
Since you’ll be vaping at slightly lower temperatures, you may want to try a coil with a ceramic wick. Many people subjectively believe that cotton adds some flavor of its own when it’s used as a vaping wick. Ceramic, in comparison, is very inert. Ceramic wicks slowly compared to cotton, though, and it doesn’t work well with high-VG e-liquids – so your mileage may vary.
Less Air Equals More Flavor
If you want to experience the best possible flavor that your vaping tank can produce, the last thing that you want to do is leave the airflow collar fully open. Try closing it little by little, taking a test puff at each airflow setting after allowing the coil to cool down for a few moments. As you close your tank’s airflow, you’ll find that the flavor of your e-liquid becomes more pronounced because the tank will only let in the volume of air that’s necessary to move the vapor from the coil to your mouth. You’ll also find that the vapor becomes warmer; you’ll likely need to compensate by lowering your device’s wattage. That’s why it’s important to use a coil specifically designed for flavor chasing; most cloud chasing coils don’t work well at lower wattage settings.
A Narrow Drip Tip Can Focus Flavor
Adjusting your tank’s airflow improves its flavor by adjusting the e-liquid-to-air ratio in the vapor you inhale. The next step in your flavor chasing quest is to concentrate the vapor in your mouth. Many modern sub-ohm tanks include wide chuff tips because a wider opening at the top of the tank contributes to improved airflow and bigger vapor clouds. The problem with wide drip tips, though, is that they don’t direct the vapor to your palate where you can taste it. Instead, they direct the vapor straight down your throat. What good is all that vapor if you can’t taste it?
Complete your flavor chasing exploration by outfitting your tank with a narrow 510 drip tip. Note that your tank may require an 810-to-510 adapter to accept 510 drip tips. A 510 drip tip slows the entry of the vapor into your mouth slightly, maximizing the vapor’s contact with your tongue before the vapor moves down your throat. In combination with a slightly lower wattage and reduced airflow, you’ll find that a 510 drip tip completes your tank’s transformation from a vehicle for cloud chasing to one for flavor chasing.
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