Free drive storage!, oh come on! Who does not that additional 2GB of Google free drive storage to cater your GMail, photos, documents, and other stuffs online? So if you have a Google account and have not updated your security information, then it’s time to do it NOW while it is still hot!
In the celebration of Safer Internet Day (SID), Google is offering all their users to gain 2GB more of free drive storage by just going to your Google Security Account and do a brief security update.

After you update some security information, viola! you will now get your 2GB of free drive storage. There will be more rooms for your GMail and files online!
This is the same promotion from Google in support to Safer Internet Day (SID), who promotes a safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile devices especially for our youth across the world. It was the same promotion last year. But you dot need to worry because if you already had your free additional storage last year, you can still gain 2GB free drive storage today – SWEET!
Moreover, this is the best time too to update your 2-step verification security in case you still have not done it to put additional protection to your account.
Get it now and get more free drive storage for your Google Drive.