The struggle to release additional fat from a person’s body remains a battle for most overweight individuals, however. One recent, famous supplement people use to assist their weight loss is Garcinia Cambogia.
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Can Garcinia Cambogia help you lose weight?
According to one of the new dietary supplements added to your daily routine is Garcinia Cambogia, but what can this supplement do for you? And does it assist people in losing weight?
Garcinia Cambogia comes from naturally occurring plants in the subtropical forests. The plant grows in Southeast Asia, Africa, Sri Lanka, and India.
Other names for Garcinia Cambogia include Kudam Poli, Malabar Tamarind, and Brindleberry. Recently, the fruit of this remarkable plant has been used to help people drop pounds.
This fruit looks like a small green or yellow pumpkin about the size of a grapefruit. The skin of the fruit remains thin and has vertical lobes. When you see the Garcinia Cambogia fruit, it will most likely be dried and appear brown or black. Traditionally, Garcinia Cambogia fruit has been used in preparing curries and in other types of cooking. The fruit tastes sour. Ayurvedic medicine uses the Garcinia Cambogia plants to produce for aid to one’s digestion.
The rind of this unusual and versatile fruit contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA has benefits in treating digestive and rheumatic conditions but has also become well known as an aid to increase weight loss. Scientists began studying the Garcinia Cambogia fruit’s medical benefits, especially in the area of weight loss, in the 1969s.
How does Garcinia Cambogia help people lose weight?
Using a supplement containing Garcinia Cambogia assists people with managing their weight in several ways.
- Appetite reduction. Individuals need to consume fewer calories than they use each day to lose weight. But if you’re still hungry because you’ve cut calories, sticking to a diet remains a hard task. Taking Garcinia Cambogia reduces your appetite, so you won’t want to eat as much as usual. The supplement works by increasing your serotonin levels, which reduces the amount of food you want to eat.
- Blocks Fat Production. The HCA in Garcinia Cambogia, according to early research, might keep the body from producing fat. This process works by inhibiting citrate lyase, an enzyme that promotes the production of fat. If citrate lyase production becomes inhibited, fat production gets reduced.
Blocked fat production also reduces triglycerides, reduces your chances of gaining weight, lowers LDL cholesterol levels, and raises HDL levels, too.
- Anti-diabetes effects. Individuals who weigh too much remain much more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Some related benefits of consuming Garcinia Cambogia include that it reduces inflammation, improves blood sugar balance, and increases insulin sensitivity.
- Increased energy levels. Many people who have used Garcinia Cambogia report that they feel like they have higher energy levels. If you have more energy, you’ll feel like exercising more, and for longer times. When you feel more able to exercise, you have a better chance of losing weight, too.
What does the research say on Garcinia Cambogia?
The studies look promising in regards to using Garcinia Cambogia supplements to help you lose weight. Let’s take a closer look at Garcinia Cambogia’s reviews about this supplement.
Study one
One study tested a group of people over 16 weeks. Forty-four people used either a placebo or a Garcinia Cambogia supplement in a double-blind, randomized study. At the end of the 16 weeks, individuals who used Garcinia Cambogia as a supplement lost significantly more pounds than did the control group. It’s important to know that no one experienced any adverse effects while using the product.
Study two
During this study, 50 overweight women from Thailand were studied. Twenty-five women took Garcinia Cambogia for two months. The rest of the women tested took a placebo. The women were also given a low-calorie diet to follow. The women who consumed Garcinia Cambogia had lower percentages of body fat and lost more weight than did the women in the placebo group.
Study three
In the third study, we’ll look at studied the results of using GarciniaCambogia for eight weeks. Ninety obese people were split into three groups. One group took Garcinia Cambogia. Another set of people took a placebo. And the third set of individuals took a supplement containing niacin-bound chromium and Gymnema Sylvestre extract. All of the people studied were put on a 2,000 calorie diet and exercised 30 minutes per day for five days a week. The study showed that the people who took garcinia Cambogia not only lost a significant amount of weight, but improved their triglyceride and cholesterol numbers as well.
The safety of Garcinia Cambogia
If taken as recommended (no more than 2,800 milligrams of HCA daily), this supplement seems to be safe for lots of people to take. Some people shouldn’t take this supplement, however. Don’t take it if you:
- Take medication for diabetes.
- Have kidney or liver damage.
- Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
What are the twelve benefits of Garcinia Cambogia for men?
The benefits listed here can go for both men and women, but the emphasis on this list remains the benefits of Garcinia Cambogia specifically for men.
Here’s a brief description of the supplement’s benefits uniquely for men which include:
- Fights against fatigue. It helps you use your fat for energy rather than storing it.
- Assists you in losing additional weight.
- Improves your gut’s health and rebuilds the stomach lining.
- Garcinia Cambogia protects people from the oxidative stresses that cause diseases.
- Good cholesterol level support.
- Lowering your blood pressure in connection with giving you healthier cholesterol levels.
- A reduction in stress levels due to increased serotonin levels in the brain.
- Induces ketosis. If you follow a ketogenic diet, taking Garcinia Cambogia will help your body burn more fat.
Garcinia Cambogia appears to remain a safe supplement for people to use to lose weight. Use it as a tablet, patch, or in lotion form for excellent results. Burn more fat and lose more pounds with this superb supplement today.