To be called a professional blogger is something, right? But how can you be one? What does it take to be considered a professional blogger?
Blogging was not that popular in the world earlier. No one knew that it will become so major for anyone to make money. School and college students are majorly adopting this as a career.
There are many college students as well who are working hard on fulfilling their dream to become a blogger. But, many students are missing their classes and spend that time in researching which is indeed wrong.
So, here I’ve compiled some of the tips that you need to become a professional blogger, especially if you are a school or college student:

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1. Attend your classes
No doubt that blogging gives you fame and money, but accept that degree is also an important thing for any student. So, not only is blogging important but your classes are the priority. Companies do look out for academic performance. So, never ever ignore your studies. Also, you need to attend the classes as well as maintain an equally good percentage.
2. Blog on the topics that you are passionate about
It is always important that you do something that you are passionate about. But with time, blogging may not be that much fun as it was initially in the starting. So, you need to make sure to do blogging on the topics you are passionate about. It is so because writing about things that are not your passion may seem like work. This being monotonous, will bore you and finally, you will abandon doing it.
3. Part-time Job
As a college student, many of you might join the call center or take other part-time jobs. Being a student, you can consider Blogging as a part-time job. It is one of the favorite part-time works and pays you more than any other part-time job. Moreover, if you are an efficient writer and have that skill in you, you will definitely get good work.
4. Attend Meetings in your City
It is also very important to keep in touch with other bloggers as far as possible. You can try and catch some famous people in your respective fields. You can consider attending blog camps, blogger’s meet as well as tweetup organized by bloggers. You can register and meet some seniors in this field. Also, you can take their help regarding any subject.
5. Read and Read more
One of the golden rules for Blogging for any student is to read more and more. Though knowledge comes from many sources, reading is one among the best. For this, you can subscribe to blogs of your niche via RSS, email subscription. You can also read magazines and books in your field so as to expand your knowledge. You should read often and also good and relevant stuff. This gives you the knowledge to learn better and also write better.
6. Organize blog classes in your college
If you have become an established blogger, then you can consider organizing blog camps for other students in the college. For this, you may need permission for the classes from the head of the department of director of your college. You can also consider educating your fellow students about blogging and the ways of earning from a blog.
7. Impress your friends
Blogging can be a source of fame for any student. Just by showing off your skills, you can indeed be famous among your friends. You can try to solve many technical problems of your friends through your blog. You can also impress them by providing a Ph.D. dissertation writing service for free. This will not only impress them but also promote you.
8. Never Ever Copy Paste Content
Being a student and a new blogger, you might not be aware of copyrights as well as intellectual property rights. So, many times you might mistake copying content from other blogs or websites. For a professional blogger, this can be fatal and have long-lasting implications. So, it is important to not copy and paste the content. You can also download a free plagiarism checker to check plagiarism and make your blogs more effective.
9. Time to devote
It is always important to understand how much time to devote to blogging. So, it depends on your college or school timing. Suppose, your college ends at 5:00 p.m. then you have 7 hours for blogging as well as studies. You need to maintain a balance between these two works and not hamper your studies. So, stick to your schedule.
10. It is not quick money
Blogging is not something that fetches money as and when you start. As a student, you might get impatient to wait for the returns. But, depending upon your niche as well as writing skills, it may take up to a year to make money out of it. So, start blogging and wait until proper returns come in. It is not always about making quick money.,
There is certainly not an end to the tips but the above points are important for you as a student. So, follow these in order to become a professional blogger.